Carbon Veil
For flue gas desulfurization plant designers, two biggest threats are corrosion and static electricity build-up. Carbon Veils are effectively used for creating corrosion barriers in composite tanks, pipes, ducts, fittings, pump and valve housings. Nonwoven veils help build very good obstructions and prevent generation of micro-cracks at surface of composite structures. For chemically aggressive and corrosive environments, veils made with carbon fibres provide maximum stability.
Carbon Veils add property of electrical conductivity to composite structure. This excess electrical charge will find a conductor and follow the path to ground in order to neutralize the charge build-up, resulting in a spark or arc. Static charge dissipation is particularly important in composite tanks and pipes that handle explosive liquids and gasses. A static build-up can lead to catastrophic events.
Variations of Carbon Veils
Compatibility of veil with a variety of resins, such as epoxy, vinyl ester and polyester is aptly addressed. Areal weight and roll width are important factors to ensure cost control and to achieve correct properties. Starting from 15 gr/m2 to 60 gr/m2 can be produced and packed in small tapes starting from 30 mm width to a full roll of 1000 mm wide.